May 2, 2009

Going to Minneapolis

Dear blog friends,
I am leaving for Minneapolis tomorrow and won't be back until Thursday(!). Yikes! I am going to the International Reading Association annual conference with three other colleagues. Two of us are presenting a session on a relationship-based infant/toddler early literacy curriculum. To have your presentation proposal accepted by IRA is a big accomplishment, so I'm pretty pumped about that. Otherwise, it is an excellent opportunity for professional development, networking, and just seeing lots and lots of great resources in the exhibition hall.

Please say a prayer for my kiddos while I'm gone. They will be in excellent hands with Grandma and Grandpa Gillett and visits from G & G Ingersoll. I'm not worried about them; I'll just fight the guilt and miss them a whole lot. However, I will also thoroughly enjoy spending time with my dear colleagues, drinking a little wine, and not having to multi-task so much when I get ready in the morning.

Have a great week!


Kris said...

Have a great time Erin and congrats on the presentation...I'm sure you'll do wonderful. Talk to you soon.

Kris said...

Have a great time Erin and congrats on the presentation...I'm sure you'll do wonderful. Talk to you soon.

Unknown said...

Hey Erin,

I ran into Lola's previous owner Kenzie and she told me to tell you that Lola is registered in Casselton.

Erin said...

Thanks, Melissa! I called her once, but figured I'd just get her in sometime this summer. Lola is AWESOME!! We love her. Thanks for hooking us up.